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April 2021 Newsletter


“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. – Albert Einstein

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: As I listen to the chorus of frogs in the pond and look through photos of a wood duck hen flying into our nest box, I’ve realized spring is here. That means the skiing should be great and rock climbing is just around the corner!


Descending the impressive Stoneman Coulouir on a beautiful day this past January. (Photo Courtesy: Jarek Kotlarczyk)

March Meeting:

Date/Time: Wednesday, April 7, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Despite all of the great news about the vaccination campaign, we’ll be meeting on zoom again, though I hope that sometime this year, we’ll be able to meet, safely, in person again. Here’s the link:

Meeting ID: 478 315 4982

Passcode: Gv1kdb

Program: Come join us to see some amazing pitches the mountaineering Spoof Tank! Maybe someone has finally designed that one piece of gear you won’t ever leave behind!

Skagit Alpine Club Meeting Notes: March 3, 2021

Alex has been able to go home from the hospital! Special thank you to everyone who built the wheel chair ramp at his house.

Leo Rosen did a great presentation on Climbing Old Growth Trees in the Pacific NorthWest with his company AdventureTerra. Leo created a Skagit Alpine Club members discount code for any of his experiences he offers. The code is SAC. The discount is 25% off.

Looking north on a beautiful day for a ski tour to Camp Muir. (Photo: Brendan Gabriel)

April SAC Monthly Social Outing:

No social outing for April, but that doesn't mean you have to be anti-social. Call a friend you have been meaning to catch up with and go for a hike! Bring a special treat to share on the trail, it always brings a smile to someone's face.

Tony enjoying great views in the Baker Backcountry. (Photo: Juliet Evans)

The Basic Mountaineering Course:

BMC Classroom: As we all know, Covid changed everything, or at least it seems that way. So, we’re still looking for a place for all of the classroom sessions. If you have a great idea, please get in contact with Claire or Juliet.

Registration: Registration closes soon! So if you’re interested or know someone who is, sign up now before it’s too late! For any questions or to register, check the BMC website:

Volunteers: If you’ve volunteered to help out, please check your e-mail for an update from Juliet about what is still outstanding.

New Business:

Support for Alex: As most of you are aware by now, one of our most dedicated members and instructors, Alex Korteum, suffered a stroke in January. His recovery and rehabilitation have been going well and it looks like he will finally be headed home this week. I want to pass along a massive “Thank you” from Alex to everyone who helped build a ramp at his house this last weekend. If you’re so inclined, here is a link to a GoFundMe campaign that’s been set up to help him and his family as he recovers. We also discussed potentially donating a portion of the SAC online store sales to the Korteum Family. If you have other ideas on how to support them, please email the club.

Dues are due! It’s a new year, so please remember to pay your dues for 2021 using this link:

Old Business:

SAC 60th Anniversary!

So what if SAC turns 61 this year? Last year doesn’t… Help us celebrate 60 years of SAC by climbing mountains! The club is attempting to summit all the Skagit 60 peaks in 2020 to commemorate the 60th anniversary. The website used to track our progress is

Great views from Camp Muir. (Photo: Brendan Gabriel)

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