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February 2022 Newsletter


SAC member Kimarie Scholz has this to share; I took my 5 kids camping in our 26’ motorhome at Mission Ridge Ski area over the 3-day MLK weekend. More affordable lift ticket prices, night skiing, lessons for my 6 year old, gorgeous views from the top of chair 2, and a very friendly environment all made for a great time. Definitely would recommend driving the extra hour past Stevens Pass, if you’ve got the time. Highlight for the 12 yo was the “toilet bowl” run in the middle of Bomber Bowl. Too many pics to choose from.

February Meeting:

Date/Time: Wednesday, February 2, 2021, at 7:00 p.m at Burlington Library

Program: Jason Scurlock will be presenting for the Feb 2nd SAC meeting on his glacier photography and discuss some of the drastic changes to our local glaciers we have seen in recent years. He will be presenting via Zoom, so you can either come to view his presentation on the big screen at the library or from the comfort of your own home.

Skagit Alpine Club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: SAC February Meeting

Time: Feb 2, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 6116 8823

Passcode: 773424

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,87461168823#,,,,*773424# US (Tacoma)

+16699009128,,87461168823#,,,,*773424# US (San Jose)

Skagit Alpine Club Meeting Notes: January 5, 2021

Thank you JFro and Andrea for sharing your incredible action-packed world adventures in geology, biology and archeology, from the arctic to the equator. Highlights included, volcanoes, flowing lava, posing puffins, diving iguanas, Machu-ing Picchus, a truly mysterious collection of colossal desert hieroglyphics that were definitely not made by aliens, Volkswagen-sized tortoises and more blue footed boobies than you can shake a stick at.

Important SAC Business:

- A friendly reminder to pay SAC dues $35/family, if you haven't already

- BMC registration is full with 20 paid students and a waitlist. Spots are still available on the stand-alone, one-week Snow Travel course. The classroom date is March 31st and outing date is April 2nd or 3rd depending on weather. Sign up HERE.

- Holly Krantz has filled the role of the Social Chair, thanks Holly!

- Ski Weekend house rental has been canceled, but that doesn't mean we can't still meet up on the mountain! Put a place holder in your calendar for the Feb 25-26th weekend and our one and only Cac Kamak will send out the date and details of where to meet on the mountain the week before, based on the weather conditions.

- For those of you who weren't able to sign up for the Backcountry Medical Guides' Wilderness First Aid Training (WFA); SAC member, Dave Myers, is offering a WFA class. His class would need a minimum of 6 students, maximum of 10. Cost $125/person. Dates and times are TBD. If you are interested in this option, contact Dave at for more information.



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